Peak Hair Wellness: Top Trends Driving the Industry in 2024

Peak Hair Wellness: Trends Driving the Industry in 2024

Up until a few years ago, skincare was all the rage. This is not to say that the hair was given the backburner. However, regimes in this area were pretty simple and more inclined towards stylistic choices. Today, we are observing an interesting phenomenon of ‘skinification’ of hair.

In other words, holistic wellness which was almost always associated with the skin has become commonplace in haircare. Innovations and trends keep cropping up, taking the dimension of hair wellness to its peak levels. The current US market for hair care products and services amounts to $16.73 billion.

It is growing at a CAGR of 3.49% till 2029. Numerous new trends are driving the industry in a more positive direction for customer safety and hair health. In this article, we will discuss four such trends that you must know about in 2024.

Clean, Non-Toxic, and Sustainable Solutions 

Consumers are looking for sustainability and clean products under all categories, including haircare. They are voting in favor of products that contain no toxic chemicals like parabens, sulfates, benzoates, and more.

This is not only true of haircare products but also of styling tools and creams. An example would be the classic hair relaxer, used by women for years to straighten their hair strands. Though it was known that hair relaxers typically contain chemicals, it is only recently that the extent of their potential harm has come to light.

Available in the form of creams or lotions, hair relaxers work by breaking the disulfide bonds found in curly or coiled hair. The more the number of these bonds, the curlier the hair will be. Hence, these products were most commonplace among women of the Black community.

A couple of years ago it was suspected that the chemicals in hair relaxers were responsible for causing cancer among women. A study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) later confirmed that the incidence of uterine cancer among frequent users of hair relaxers was high. 

Besides this cancer, other women suffered from breast cancer too. The injured filed a hair relaxer lawsuit, starting in 2022, against companies like Revlon and L’Oreal. The litigation is ongoing and Bellwether trials are expected to be conducted soon. 

According to TorHoerman Law, more than 8,000 lawsuits are awaiting settlements as of July 2024. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to propose banning the most toxic chemical found in hair relaxers, namely formaldehyde.

Women are opting for safer alternatives in the form of Brazilian blowouts, and steam treatments, among others. We will continue to see this trend of non-toxic, clean hair care in the upcoming years. 

Technological Integrations 

Keeping in line with the trend of clean hair care is that of smart devices and innovations designed for holistic wellness. One example would be hair brushes that come with sensors to analyze hair health.

Similarly, LED light therapy is a recent innovation to improve scalp health. With the means of LED helmets or caps, hair follicles are stimulated to address conditions like inflammation and alopecia. Even in general, such tech integrations can promote hair growth.

The Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) technique is a rather interesting one. It is performed using cosmetic tattooing to create microdot pigments on the scalp. This provides the appearance of a fuller head, concealing bald spots. It is also beneficial for those with thinning hair issues.

Finally, the market is full of new-gen scalp devices and devices and massagers that use soft bristles and sonic vibrations for gentle stimulation. As a result, blood circulation improves, thereby aiding in the product absorption deep into the scalp. 

Biodegradable Packaging 

Another area that the world at large is striving to tackle is that of plastic use. The beauty industry alone generates a shocking 120 billion pieces of packaging every year. 95% of this will be thrown away at some point.

If the same is not biodegradable, one can only imagine the environmental challenges the fallout will present. With a full understanding of the threats posed to the environment, several beauty brands are producing eco-friendly packaging, even among haircare.

Some of the top materials being used include glass, recycled plastic, bamboo, and cardboard. As of now, eco-friendly packaging is mostly being used by brands dealing in organic and sustainable hair care. As consumer pressure builds, we may be able to see this becoming a top trend year after year, not just 2024. 

Waterless Hair Care 

This 2024 haircare trend for peak wellness also has to do with sustainability. Water conservation is a topmost priority in light of the fact that clean water is scarce. This has led to the conception of waterless haircare of at least low-water formulations.

Waterless Hair Care 

Such formulations can help sustainability efforts by reducing the volume of water used in product packaging and transportation. An example would be formulations like bars and powders in place of liquids. When available in these concentrated forms, the product needs less packing. The carbon footprint also decreases. 

As we just observed, the haircare industry is transforming by leaps and bounds in 2024 and beyond. Be it hair maintenance or professional styling for trendy looks, consumers are choosing holistic wellness. The focus is the natural nourishment of the scalp for better results, not merely chemical-induced short-term results.

All the above-mentioned trends carry with them a promising connotation. Hopefully, the time has come for the hair care industry to do one-eighty towards a brighter future.