Setting Up Custom Geofences: How to Protect your Fleet from Theft

Setting Up Custom Geofences: How to Protect your Fleet from Theft

Fleet management can be a challenging task, but one crucial way to safeguard your vehicles and assets is by setting up custom geofences. Geofencing is a technology that creates virtual perimeters using GPS, RFID, Wi-Fi, or cellular data. You set these boundaries on a map, and when a vehicle enters or leaves these pre-set areas, alerts are triggered. Geofencing provides an effective security measure by creating virtual boundaries around specific areas, allowing you to monitor and protect your fleet. In this article, we’ll dive into how setting up custom geofences helps protect your fleet.

How Geofences Prevent Theft

The threat of vehicle theft is always present when managing a fleet, but geofencing provides a proactive solution to this problem. Imagine being notified instantly if one of your fleet vehicles is moved outside of business hours or strays beyond its designated route. Custom geofences act as an early warning system.

By pairing geofences with your car tracking system, you’re able to receive alerts via SMS or email, allowing you to take immediate action. Thieves typically rely on speed and stealth. The longer it takes for you to notice a missing vehicle, the less likely you are to recover it.

With geofencing, you can immediately identify unauthorised movements and contact the authorities or activate other recovery measures. This real-time data reduces the time it takes to respond, increasing the chances of recovering the stolen vehicle quickly.

Setting Up Custom Geofences

Creating custom geofences is a straightforward process if you have a good car tracking system in place. Here’s how to set them up:

Assess Your Fleet’s Routes and Locations: Start by identifying the most critical areas you want to monitor. This could be your company’s main depot, client locations, or specific zones where your vehicles frequently operate.

Use Your Car Tracking Platform: Most fleet management platforms with GPS tracking capabilities will allow you to draw geofences on a digital map. You can easily adjust the size and shape of the geofence depending on your needs. Whether you’re securing an entire city or just a small parking lot, custom geofences give you the flexibility to tailor the boundaries to your specific requirements.

Set Alerts and Notifications: Once your geofences are in place, configure notifications. You can choose to receive alerts for any number of triggers, including vehicles entering or leaving a zone, spending too much time in an area, or unauthorised movement during non-operating hours.

Test and Fine-Tune: After setting up your geofences, it’s essential to test them. You don’t want to be bombarded with false alarms, so make sure to fine-tune your settings to reduce unnecessary alerts. Ensure the boundaries are correctly defined and that the system’s notifications work as expected.

Benefits of Combining Geofencing with GPS Tracking

Using geofencing alongside car tracking amplifies the benefits of both technologies. While geofencing alerts you to unauthorised movements, car tracking provides real-time updates on your fleet’s exact location. If a vehicle breaches a geofence, you can immediately pinpoint its whereabouts, giving you crucial information in case of theft.


Setting up custom geofences is more than just about preventing theft—it’s about optimising fleet security, improving operational efficiency, and ensuring peace of mind. With the right tracking system, you have the power to monitor your fleet from anywhere, at any time, giving you full control over its movements.


Geofencing uses GPS to create virtual boundaries that trigger alerts when vehicles enter or leave.

They alert you immediately to unauthorized vehicle movements, allowing quick action.

A car tracking system with GPS capabilities to draw and adjust geofences on a digital map.

Yes, by fine-tuning geofence settings and testing them, false alarms can be minimized.

It allows for real-time location tracking along with movement alerts, enhancing fleet management.